Monday, September 1, 2008

Oh, John.

I'm a firm believer in not blogging unless you have something interesting to blog about.  People don't want to hear that you ate some red meat, thought about going for a run, and then finally settled into some Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on ABCFamily.  No one cares. Well, at least, I wouldn't care.  This may be one of those fatty, fat, television show filled blogs because thats all I did this weekend. 
I went to visit Tim's family this weekend in Bend.  The one clear difference between a male and female house is the food that is consumed.  This weekend was a red meat weekend.  I am this close (-) to disowning red meat for the rest of my life (except for McDonald's hamburgers, but those really don't constitute animal meat anyway, do they?). Friday night we had ribs. Saturday night we had barbecued hamburgers, and Sunday we had rib-eye steaks.  Meat.  Enough for a year. Tim was in seventh heaven. 
So we ate. And ate. And ate. 
And afterwards, I got in a heated discussion with Tim's millionaire uncle about the sanctity of life. And Obama the antichrist.  The fun part of that is Tim's mother clearly told me there would be no political discussions that evening. I believe she said, "Do not talk politics." But, I am my father's daughter and am unable to steer clear when the opportunity presents itself.
So what did I learn? Democrats love the idea of "tolerance," which CLEARLY I am not.  We should tolerate others (because one person killing an unborn child does not affect me, so I shouldn't bother), after all, its the law so it must be okay! Dad, that was for you... wish you could have been there to hear it. 
The lesson for this week is tolerance. I should probably learn to mind my own business and be tolerant of other people's choices. Maybe this will come with old age.  The close-mindedness that comes with being a Republican is so hard to handle sometimes. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

people aren't interested that i thought about going for a run? sad, you just burst my bubble. :) haha.

"i am my fathers daughter"

you crack me up.