Friday, September 19, 2008

Jenna got a job.

I started my job this week and the results are positive thus far.  I like the environment and I like the people I work with. Although everyone seems to be stressed out this week, they somehow manage to keep in good spirits and suck it up.  Whenever I got irritated with the lazy people at Overlake I was told that these people I would have to deal with my whole life.  Ironically, everyone around me seems hard at work all day regardless of the stress levels.  Lazy lifeguards, you have no chance in the real world. 
I never really worried about getting a job.  Not like I was pompous or overly confident about it- I wasn't at all.  I'm thoroughly convinced that God puts me at peace when I least expect it, especially about things like this.  The day of the interview I lost all nervousness and gave intelligent responses... so out of character for me... Perhaps this was all part of some master plan.  
Ultimately, I'm very satisfied.  

Man of the people:

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