Friday, August 29, 2008

Well, he had to do something.

I'm a firm believer in the idea that Barack Obama will quickly and easily defeat John McCain in November.  McCain even knows it... That's why he chose a female running mate with less than 2 years experience.  They're still going to lose.  I think it was the only thing he could have done to shock people in this campaign, and BIG SURPRISE he did it the morning after Obama's "historic speech" at the democratic convention (which, by the way, made me want to vomit when I saw this morning in the newspaper, and I still don't understand why a "call for change" is historic... whatever). 
At least I like her.  She seems like the type of person I would like to run for president, and I suppose she makes McCain look like a better option. 
Obama's camp had a lovely, jealous, and intelligent response to the whole situation. Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton warned that McCain had "put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency." Way to be. 
Maybe McCain isn't as dumb as he looks.  

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