Tuesday, August 19, 2008

For my father.

I made an executive decision today.  As much as I enjoy coaching, the hours that I would need to devote to a coaching job are less than ideal.  The IST swim coach called me today and I told him I am no longer interested in the job.  It seemed like the perfect opportunity to officially enter the coaching world, but since Tim works until 4, I really don't want to start my job at 430.  My days would be spent in the house while the rest of my friends work 40 hours a week.  I officially decided I need a normal job for the sake of our relationship. Sad, but true.  
So begins the rest of the job search. I have yet to hear a decision from Sharebuilder, but I would be satisfied if I did or did not get the job.  Regardless of the outcome, I faced my fears of interviewing and feel as if I was a success in that aspect.  I'm still encountering the same problems though: what do I want to do with my life?  I remember in high school when 9th grade life skills teachers encouraged us to take test after test, which should determine where our skills lie.  They were meant to give us direction, but I was too young to seriously contemplate that direction. I was told I should be a lawyer or a teacher, two occupations that would definitely not suit me.  Then again, in college I was forced to pick a major which was meant to also guide me in my pursuit of a career.  Unfortunately, it has done nothing but confuse me more.  For some reason though, I feel like God has put my mind at ease.  I keep telling myself that I need to continue to anxiously look for jobs, but am somehow failing.  Last month I was looking religiously.  Maybe thats one of the abilities God has given me though, the ability to keep a low stress level when things seem out of my control... it was that way with college at least.  Or maybe I'm just too laid back for my own good.  I guess we'll see.  I at least feel at peace with my decision to not be a swim coach.
Alyssa, Erin and I booked tickets to Hawaii last night and I'm so excited that we'll be going in less than three weeks.  It will be a must-needed vacation and a good last-hurrah to my life as an unemployed college kid.  

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