Friday, April 11, 2008

I'm just hardcore.

Today was the 4th day this week that I got up for morning masters practice. Yesterday I meant to get up, but fell asleep after my alarm went off. Its pretty sweet, I already feel like after 1.5 weeks I've made significant progress.  Its nice to be swimming again, perhaps thats because I only have to go to one practice a day. Sometimes I think I should learn to keep my competitiveness under wraps- everyone thinks I'm the most competitive person alive (...they don't even know!). 
My senioritis is getting worse. Yesterday I went to talk to one of my professors about the "senior reading." Apparently, (unbeknownst to me) all senior writing majors are supposed to read something they wrote for everyone in the English department and their families the friday after classes are done. Of course, I didn't want to do that, because getting up in front of a huge group of people and reading stories that I hate is just my favorite thing to do... right. Anyway, my professor told me I was the first person in 20 years to refuse to do the reading, but I guess he understood after awhile. I just want to get out of here, the last thing I want to do is attend all these stupid events (I'm not doing the reading, or senior breakfast or baccalaureate) which is apparently SHOCKING! to everyone I meet. Everyone thinks I have problems because I don't view these events as positive. One of my other professors told me that we should have a chat because of this. Its obnoxious, I hate how everyone thinks that I should be gung-ho about my years at Whitworth, but in reality, I just want to get out of here as fast as I can. I have more exciting things going on. 
I'm not negative, I'm just honest and open with who I am. 
In other news, I bought a fun hair clip for my wedding that has pearls and Swarovski crystals in it, and think I have officially decided against wearing a veil. I got a cute and casual rehearsal dinner dress, and I hope it works out for me. Now, I just need jewelry suggestions... sigh. At least theres some positivity here. 

1 comment:

Laura said...

YOU.ARE.A.SUPERSTAR! Good job Jenn, you are going to be all fit and toned just in time for the wedding! I bet it feels good to swim with a team huh? I just convinced Dannie to come to masters this morning. She hasn't really swam in years!! Anyway, I can understand how you feel about reading your work. I would HATE that. But, since I'm not in your shoes and I know how great of a writer you are, I can see why other people would love to hear something you've written (I would!). I guess just something to think about. Do you want me to send you a check for the VS dress?