Monday, April 28, 2008

Turns out we won't be living in a cardboard box...

We found a home this weekend! It just so happens to take a lot of stress off my shoulders- I was beginning to give up on finding a place we would actually LIKE living and about to settle for some insanely over-priced, Indian-food smelling apartment in Bellevue.  
Here it is: Timmy and Jenna's new abode:
It just kind of makes everything more exciting... knowing what kind of furniture will fit there and knowing where we'll end up.  Seeing that we graduate in like 3 weeks, it was pretty important. Tim really didn't want to live at my house for a few days after graduation, and now he won't have to. 
In other news, we did 3x1000's this morning at masters. It was pretty much torture in the most brutal form. Those darn triathletes, they ruin everything with their distance. 
I tried on my dress yesterday and remembered why I loved it so much. Its perfect, and I feel very satisfied with my choice. I was worried it might get old and not as exciting, but I think I actually like it more now than I did before. Now I just need a sweet bracelet and I'm practically set.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I love your condo! Looks awesome! We will have to come visit lots :)

Kyle and I may be moving too...upstairs! There is a 2 bedroom for rent upstairs...we're waiting to hear if they'll allow Kona or not.

Nice work on the 3x1000's!! I am so impressed! You should come swim with my team sometime when you're back in Seattle!