Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I am whatever I say I am.

Hi Laura, I got up this morning at 5 to go to Masters swimming! You should be so proud of me. I think I may do this to the end of school... I get all competitive with the old guys. 
Its actually kind of sweet, because then I don't have to do homework at night. I can just go to bed, wake up and go to swim practice, then have like forever and a year to do my homework (I don't have class until one..) The only downside is that I love sleeping, and thats kind of devastating, but perhaps I'll get over it. 

Only a month and 14 days until I'm a college graduate. My life will forever change.  There's some crazies in my classes who are like, "I'm so sad I'm leaving college and have to go out into the real world! Its so scary!" No, it is not scary, crazies, it is fun and exciting and way cooler than living the school life. You'd think that after 16 years of school, you'd be ready to move on and do something different, I sure know I am! 

I had a bridal shower. I would have never thought my bridal shower would be the way it was, but it was nice.  A little foofy and overwhelming, but it was fun, despite the fact that three of my good friends were unable to make it.  Although I enjoyed it, and it was very nice, I'm kind of glad my wedding isn't going to be like that.  I hope I feel so comfortable and not overwhelmed with people who aren't close to me.  I think I will though. I fantasize about being able to joke and be my obnoxious self, but alas, I think I will have to be polite and hug everyone. Perhaps I should make myself a sign that says, "I know you want to hug and stuff, but I don't like being touched."  I really don't like hugging people I'm not close to. I would prefer to handshake, I have a mean handshake. Its not light and delicate, its a real manly handshake. My father would be proud. I should have put that in the invitations, "Come prepared to shake hands with the bride!" And yes, I was hugged enough as a child, but I'm still not a fan. 

We're in the 50's now. The countdown officially begins. I don't know if I can handle all the excitement, I'm just too stoked. 

Now, it just needs to get warm outside.  

1 comment:

Laura said...

WOW! I am very impressed that you went at 5am!!! I mean SERIOUSLY impressed! Who knew!?

Your handshake comment made me laugh. I have always been the same way, but I think after having so many friends that hug, I have had to get more used to it and now it's not so bad. Still, it's awkward sometimes! I wonder why we're like that.