Sunday, June 8, 2008

On a honeymoon.

Finally. Married.

Let me tell you, it seemed like the road to getting married took forever... until the last 2 weeks, when time flew by so quickly I felt unable to accomplish anything. I was pretty sure the wedding might be a failure since there was so much to do the day of and the day before, but alas, our mother's seemed to do everything for us, and the wedding went off without a hitch. I almost felt proud of myself for planning an event like that. Its the last you will ever see of my planning skills, thats for sure. I hope we got good pictures.

Our honeymoon has been fabulous. We got to our first class resort the night of the second, and upon inspection of the room, discovered live moth larvae underneath one of the pillows- one that Tim had just laid his head on. So of course, we call the front desk and demand a new room. Being the lovely fellows that they are, they upgraded us to a suite with the best view I've ever seen. It was an amazingly quiet and perfect 5 days on the Northshore, with people waiting on us hand and foot. Needless to say, we loved it and got far too used to the constant attention.
Since we aren't going to another island, we decided that maybe we should change hotels-Waikiki. We get to our hotel and the beach and want to shoot ourselves. While the hotel and staff are nice and friendly, its not the same as our $550 a night suite with a view (This hotel is one or two blocks up from the beach). Although I wouldn't want to be on the beach, because the beach is a heinous excuse for a beach. I don't remember Waikiki being overrun with whitetrash America (by the way, white trash Americans love to flaunt their sagging red/purple breasts, trashy blonde hair, and robust bellies. These women are everywhere.). Since having dropped off our rental car, we are stuck. We even took a bus today.
Not going to lie though, conditions are improving. We took about a 2 mile jaunt down the beach to a calmer area and visited the war memorial and the mall, we just miss living in the lap of luxury.

In other news, marriage is fabulous. We got a massage the other day and I had to sign my name "Jenna Coughlin"- something I wasn't prepared to do. I'm kind of excited to change my name though, so I can sign everything that way. Its odd how ready I am to do that. Sigh, I wish I could be a feminist, but that belongs to the lesbians and their liberal friends (this is my blog, I'm allowed to be politically incorrect. Political correctness is for people that need it).

Anyway, if you want something from the ABC store, hit me up. I can get you a plastic flower or some "Hawaii" stationary. Or I can send you a picture of us in Hawaii, maybe spark some jealousy within. ALOOOOOOOOOOHA.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg. you are freakin HILARIOUS. I am laughing out loud. I love your political incorrectness sister....

i especially like the saggy boobs and robust bellies comment.