Tuesday, May 27, 2008

There's a lot to do.

I'm getting married soon, and I have a fabulous sunglasses tan line from Sunday that makes me look like I have these huge, white raccoon eyes. Highly attractive. 
I graduated. I'm like a real, live person now.  Whoohoo. 
We have a home. It too is fantastic... although plain because we're poor and have no decorations whatsoever... minus the painting that I managed to commandeer from the backseat of my mother's car. 
This home makes me so happy, because there is no Welch to mess up the countertops with peanut butter/crumbs/poop. Dishes actually get done. There is no stench. 
I had a "bachelorette party." Sort of. I can't lie, I'm kind of disappointed about the whole thing. It was fun, but it wasn't a bachelorette party, minus the undies from Laura or the hideous springtime veil. If I could change the way things went, I definitely would. I suppose if that is the only thing I'm upset about, I shouldn't complain.  Not gonna lie, things should have been different.  I have very good friends though, who tried to make the best of the situation. 
I get married soon. KD keeps reminding me how many days are left.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows.

I walked through campus today. Its in the mid-70s, the sun was shining and the grass was once again green. I wondered if I would miss it, if this beautiful campus held memories that I was walking away from... I wondered if I should be sad.  Turns out, I'm not. While I tried to bring on some feeling of sadness or regret, I just couldn't muster it.  I'm not sad. My ecstatic feelings are genuine. I'm ready to move on with life (!) and I couldn't be happier to be getting out of this place.  I almost forgot that the Whitworth I go to is not the Whitworth of sunshine and sunbathers (although I'm glad for this one... so tacky to be laying out in a swim suit in front of your DORM).  The Whitworth I attended (ooooh past tense) was cold, wet, and snowy and I hated every minute of weather. I think I would have been happier here, had the sun been shining through the trees everyday like it did today, and like it will this weekend. 
I'm glad the sun came out for our send off.  I want to leave on a good note, and I want to look back on my college experience as worthwhile. I sometimes forget that I'm graduating- that I've completed a feat. I've been so preoccupied with getting out of here that I forgot to remember I did something and I did it well.  I'm looking forward to being successful in something I actually enjoy. 
I'm sorry for everyone that this month is Jenna month. I know I take up time, weekend after weekend dedicated to me, myself and I.  
I have so many things to be thankful for, and look forward to, I think graduation is just last on my list. Quite frankly, I'm dreading the actual ceremony.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Here it comes... the excitement begins.

It doesn't feel so long ago, when the snow covered the ground and our wedding was over 100 days away (according to my knot calculator thing... I don't just count the days by myself). But now, the sun is shining almost on a daily basis, I have a week left of school, and I'm getting married in 22 days. Its kind of getting so close I don't know what to do with myself.  I feel like I should be doing something, but I'm not.  We are now premarital counseling graduates.  We made it through all the homework/busywork and now are on our way to getting married. 
In other news, we bought a huge bed and its now in my room. Its sooo comfortable and huge, so much better than my ikea bed. It was the deal of all deals too, a $3000 bed for $650. Its going to be sooo much fun to move! We have to rent a Uhaul. Joyous. 

Saturday, May 3, 2008

So I'm getting married in less than a month... pretty crazy I think. When I think hat we've been engaged for over 7 months, I don't really know where the time went. Things are sure coming together though, I finally bought favors (Godiva, yummm) and Bridesmaids gifts. All thats left is really paying down deposits, finding a bracelet, and printing programs. 
I am slightly irritated though, Royal won't call me back (its been days and days and I've called him probably 4-5 times...) and I have no idea if I'm having a Bachelorette party or if he has gotten fitted for his tux (which was supposed to happen before April 29th, but I doubt it has).  This normally doesn't happen, and I'm starting to think something's wrong with him. Honestly, I'm going to be kind of angry if nothing is.  
Tim got a better job at Boeing, so thats kind of sweet. After he's trained and confident in what he's doing, he'll be able to be a virtual worker, meaning he can work from home, which would be nice for him. 
I've been kind of down for the past few days, not because of things that are going on in my own life, but because of things that are going on in my family.  Things that cannot be fixed and will take time to get over... sigh.