Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I need to do something amazing.

I have this itching to do something amazing and new.  Perhaps join a swim team. Perhaps get a job.  Perhaps have the afternoons off. 
I think I'm getting antsy with working two jobs.  I'm ready for the summer to end. 
Any suggestions?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

So tired...

Really, I hate working so much, but I'm unable to give up anymore of my hours or responsibilities.  I'm so tired.  Every night I get home I lay on the couch for about twenty minutes and go to sleep.  Then I wake up (still tired).  I have so much to do that I'll never get to. 
I need to go to the grocery store. 
I need to fold that last load of laundry. 
It would be nice if I would iron some of Tim's pants so he can actually wear them. 
I should clean my downstairs. 
I need to workout. 
I still need to go to work (until 10 most likely, and I started this morning at 730). Kill me now. 

The job search has been slightly disappointing.  I applied for a high school swim coaching position at Bellevue and had an interview.  In this interview, I realized I don't want to coach high school swimming, because if I did it I would need another job, and I never want to work two jobs again.  I also learned I don't respect the coach of Bellevue, so even if it was something that would workout for me, I wouldn't ever want to work with him.  It was good practice for interviewing though, seeing that I'm horrendous at that. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"I want to cut his [beeping] nuts off."

Besides the "its a great year to be black" statement, this one is my favorite. 

Its a great time to be a liberal too, apparently. I wish I had the nerve to publicly endorse someone, and then hate on him in private. Such nerve, these democrats. 

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Its a great year to be black.

This is the best thing ever.  Mainly the beginning- the end is kind of vulgar. 


I hate watching the news. 
Gas prices. 
People getting laid off. 
Struggling economy. 
Obama/ McCain (barf!). 
Going Green. 
Lindsey Lohan and her lesbian lover. 

I hate reading it, watching it, thinking about it and talking about it. Yes, the economy isn't wonderful, but its not HORRENDOUS either, and I'm sick of hearing about it. 
I also hate that people think they are so hip and new if they are concerned about these things. Newsflash, you're not hip, you're a follower.
I really am just sick of all the "world is going to hell and we'll never get it back" crap.