Friday, March 28, 2008

Barack Obama and Other Evils.

I was watching The View this morning, and it made me think... even Elisabeth Hasselbeck said she wanted to vote for him. Oh, brother.
I think this website is sure interesting.  Like the author says, he is just exploring the idea, but it is interesting to think about.  How is one person captivating so many when he isn't saying anything different than Hillary?  If you compare Obama and Clinton's websites, you have to admit that there isn't a huge difference in their beliefs. Quite frankly, you would be hard pressed to find any major differences at all.  He has no revolutionary ideas, but its simply his personality which is so appealing to so many people. 

I suppose it is a far out idea, but makes me think how Christians are generally pretty afraid when it comes to talking about the antichrist.  My mom and me were having a brief conversation about this, and she mentioned that her pastor is preaching on Revelation.  I got curious and downloaded the sermon. (The Mark of the Beast sermon)

I think regardless of what you believe, Christians should be wary of the occurrence of these things. We never know when Christ will return, or when the antichrist will terrorize the world, but perhaps we should never forget that they're both on their way, sooner or later.  

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Aura of Stress

I'm feeling stressed and I'm not quite sure why I feel this way. I don't really have that much to do, but for some reason I feel like I do. 
I think its kind of my bridal shower... I know people are coming, but they aren't RSVPing to Kelli and its stressing me out.  I'm worried people just won't come or something.  

I started our invitations, it only took like 20 minutes to assemble them all, which was sweet. Now I just have to address them and wait for Timmy to put food cards in them. YAY. 

We're going to look at apartments today and tomorrow, which I actually AM excited for... 


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The world is again at peace.

I did a full workout today.  It was the first time in a long time where I did a bunch of cardio and lifted weights. Tim always begs me to go to the gym with him, but when I do, we get lazy, do a half hour of cardio and leave, so it was nice to stay and workout by myself. 

Suddenly, I feel like everything is coming together.  All I really have to do these days is whip through my homework and find a place to live.  We found a few places we like, and are hoping to visit during spring break and get our living situation worked out. 

I'm getting antsy now that I have nothing to do.  I got used to having 50 big things on my mind to do for the wedding, and now all I have to do is find dresses for various occasions. I almost wonder, is it really this easy? Everyone says wedding planning is so stressful, but I think thats only the people that make it so.  I know that I've had my stressful moments (bridesmaids dresses, invitations, registering, etc) but I don't think I'm bothering with all the details.  My wedding may not be as perfect as it could if I had bothered with details, but I'm more about the actual commitment than the party. Its not even a party, its really just dinner. Lets be honest. 

I'm looking forward to going home and getting some things sorted out. I'm sick of school (I have a terrible case of senioritis). I don't know how many times I say that in a day. But its true. 

I was looking on the other day (yes, I'm one of those lame-o's) and am surprised to what the world is coming to.  There was a post about strippers and 90% of the girls were perfectly fine with their fiance/husbands going to a strip club, "You can look but you can't touch." I also heard that if I don't think my fiance is going to do those things (go to strip clubs, watch porn), I'm just insane and not being honest with myself.  It just makes me see things in a different light.  I live in this Whitworth bubble, where I almost feel rebellious sometimes, and I'm not.  It makes me realize I want there to be a stark contrast between me and the rest of the world.  Sad, but true.  It makes me think of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot and his family running away from the sinful world and how important that story is at a time like this. Even my Christian friends outside of Whitworth have conformed to the ideas of the world.  It makes me so sad to hear stories, knowing that they could be so much better than they think.  I remember in high school, there were two girls who I looked up to above everyone else. They were on fire for God, and claimed they would never conform to the patterns of the world.  I don't know what happened, but they did, and I'm sad that I have no one to look up to anymore. Not to say I haven't done things I'm ashamed of, or haven't conformed at times, but it just makes me sorrowful. There's almost no other words to describe it. 
Oops, I went off on a tangent.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Sigh... I'm getting married in 73 days, can you believe it? I can't. Its so close, yet so far away. Which actually means I graduate in less than 2 months... YAY.  So many exciting things are going on with graduation, getting married, going to Hawaii, and starting  a new job. I just can't wait for it all to happen. I want to start my real life already. 

On a more somber note, I'm poorer than poor. There's a lot to pay for that I don't have money for. Bridesmaids gifts, parents gifts, honeymoon money, and my hair.  I'm kind of sad, because I'd like to look nice for my bridal shower and stuff, but I have to wear an old dress. Which is fine, but I like new things for special occasions.  Sigh... I'm just spoiled I guess. 

Its the little things that make life stressful. 

Spring break is in 2-3 days!! 

Monday, March 17, 2008

Jenna, Strong and Mean, Hopes and Dreams

I swear Laura never read in college. I don't remember ever hearing about it, or perhaps I would have felt somewhat forewarned by my choice to be an English major. Alas, the deed has already been done and in 2 months I will never have to think about "The House of the Seven Gables" or "Wieland" again. I didn't read "Wieland," even though we had a week-long discussion of it. I wasn't an active participant.  It always amazes me how I am able to actively participate in a class conversation on a book I've never read.  Wikipedia is my guiding light, I suppose.  I don't think I'll read after I graduate. I think I'm throwing in the proverbial towel on reading, it being for saps and smart people. 

I doubt I'll quit writing though. Its funny how at some point on my journey down the English track I grew to hate writing.  I have recently discovered why.  I hate writing stories and poems.  I think stories and poems are for sissies that are way too in-tune with their emotions.  Sometimes I sit in my Poetry writing class and I hear people read their poems in their EMOTIONAL, soft voices, like their poems have so much meaning.  It makes me want to roll my eyes, stand up and yell, "Hey! You don't even know how obnoxious you sound!" And then cackle loudly.  I'm getting off-track.  I think its ironic how I'm a senior on the writing track, but have never been able to write anything fun (except for if you count my story for Fiction writing called, Boaz Strangeway, dedicated to my future dog).  In Essay writing this semester I've realized, wow, I like writing essays.  When you get to write about whatever you want, its sweet. I wrote about the death of morality, and realized I actually LIKE what I wrote, and LIKED doing it.  Then I turn to my next poetry assignment and have no idea what to actually say. I wrote a poem about how I can't write poems. It was sweet. 

I think there's so much more out there for me.  In the real world, no one will ask me to write a poem about self-realization, which makes that real world seem so bright and sunny. I look forward to gaining that kind of respect.  I also hope that I am able to be a real swim coach.  I always said I loved working with children, but didn't know what I could do besides teach (AND NO, I don't want to teach or get my masters, back up off me).  Coaching is my light in the dark.  Nothing makes me happier than when Adam Smith gets his bazillionth A time, hugs me and smiles, showing everyone all those teeth that will never grow back.  I keep thinking, well, maybe this is what God has planned for me.  Maybe when I wasn't paying attention God slipped one by me, who knows.  But I do know that I don't worry about what is planned for my life.  God has it under control, so I find no real reason to worry.  I'm going to either write scathing essays about the incompetence of politicians, or teach little ones how to swim.  Either way, He's probably got my back. 

Does God read blogs?

A day in the life of the smelly kid.

Tim likes registering. I think its quite obnoxious.  What a weird problem to have- hating to register for wedding presents. I think my mother has called me 10 times to complain about the fact that I registered for like 20 things.  I don't need anything else, I'm a minimalist.  I would just like to be well fed, not well decorated. Who decorates? Lets be honest, decorating is for fruitcakes and I am no fruitcake. 

Just for my own reference...
I ran today for 5 minutes. It was hard.
I biked for 15 minutes. Welch and I chatted it up. It was hard also. 
I did squats with 5 pound weights across the gym and back. My legs are sore. 

Our apartment smells. Perhaps its because we fail to do the dishes. The other day Tim and I wanted Welch to clean but she didn't want to, so we threw garbage all over the ground until she decided she would clean.  It only took like 2 hours. It was sweet, Tim and I were stoked we were able to tap into Rachel's psyche. 

Only 2.5 months until we get hitched.  If you're reading this, maybe you're invited, but maybe not. We can't invite everyone because my parents are in the hole (4 girls, 4 weddings, 4 college educations) so you probably aren't invited.  Unless you're my friend. 

I actually kind of enjoy our premarital counseling. Sort of. Kind of. As much as you can. 

I hate my invitations

I love my man, but sometimes wonder why he fails to bathe.